Telling Your Story
Story Telling for NonProfits: Powerful stories can have a powerful impact and help you develop a year-long advocacy/ awareness campaign. These tools will help you to get things going.
Storytelling for NonProfits; an ebook from Network for Good with tips on how to present your stories that will attract donors, win support and raise money. storytelling-for-nonprofits
Telling your library’s most compelling story – slide summary from brandgarten seminar at ALA Conference June, 2016 ala-conference-material-telling-your-libraries-most-compelling-stories
Interview Questions InterviewPreparationQuestions
Photo, Video and Design – Slide deck from WLS Marketing Boot Camp Photovideodesign_tips and tricks
Forms you may need
Press Release Sample –
Patron Release Form – sample PATRONreleaseform_template
Resources to help you be a better storyteller
This site is new to me, but from what I have seen so far, it has lots of good advice and ideas that can be helpful. I downloaded her Writers Handbook for you here: The Story Telling Nonprofit Writers Handbook. www.thestorytellingnonprofit.com
An excellent white paper on the rational behind nonprofit storytelling and its benefits that just might convince you it is worth the work. State-of-Storytelling-in–the–Nonprofit-Sector
If you are going to get the story – here is what you need to do to get the maximum benefit: Storytelling-checklist
Excellent overview and tips to get the story, write the story and share the story: https://nonprofitstorytellingconference.com/donor-sequence/
For great tips on putting together a newsletter that reaps results:
Tom Ahern is an expert, easy to read and understand. I have heard him speak at conferences and he is truly inspiring. Reading his books is almost as good as seeing him in person. This is a quick read that will give you some good ideas, inspire you and you may even find a tip or two that will increase your ability to raise dollars for your library. Read his books – it is worth the time. His website is full of information too. http://www.aherncomm.com/donor-newsletter/
And his books are available in the WLS Catalog!
- Seeing through a donor’s eyes : how to make a persuasive case for everything from your annual drive to your planned giving program to your capital campaign / by Tom Ahern.
- How to write fundraising materials that raise more money : the art, the science, the secrets / Tom Ahern.